Making a Manual Measurement

While measurements can be imported from the T1 Tomahawk and other external devices, they can also be created manually in the Area Screen under the measurements tab as well as converted between any units.

  1. Select the "+" icon in the bottom middle of the Area screen and select "Measurement"
    • Image_20240919_124247_020.jpeg
  2. Type in the measurement you would like to add
    • Image_20240919_124247_049.jpeg
    • The Unit drop-down menu on the top right allows for selecting entries of different units
    • Press the yellow "Add" icon if you would like to add multiple measurements at once
    • Select the group "Default" if you would like to tag the measurements with a different or new group
  3. Select the "save" icon at the top right to save to the Measurement Grid

Selecting different units with any cells populated allows the measurements to be converted between units. 

Measurements will appear on the grid in global units regardless of what units they are entered in (i.e. if global units are in cm and a manual measurement is created in inches, they will appear, converted, in cm on the grid)

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