Custom Calculators Overview

Custom Calculators are a powerful tool in the ROCK that allow users to create templates for others to be used for collecting data, performing calculations, and overlaying over photos or diagrams for clarity.  Compared with photo annotations which are better suited for free form and one offs, custom calculators allow for structured inputs and calculations to be defined.  Custom calculators are fast and simple to make and can be very simple or very in depth depending on their desried use.

Below outlines an overview of the Inspection feature.

Custom Calculators Template

Custom calculators can be created under the "Custom" Tab on the utility page at the top of the list. Templates are first created to layout the data capture structure and any photos or graphics used.  Once they are saved, all users can then use the template to fill in (in a fill in the blank type format)

  • Other templates that have previously been created will appear in list format underneath the Create Inspection icon in the Custom tab on the Utilities page.
    • IMG_8901.PNG
  • Swiping left on a template allows for duplicating an existing template with all of the current information
    • IMG_8902.PNG
    • Templates cannot be modified once saved so duplicating to make changes is the only way to do so
  • Templates can be deleted by swiping left 
    • This will not affect existing completed templates which are saved as Objects in an Area 

Using an Inspection Template

Once an Inspection has been made, they can be used as templates for data entry by anyone with access to the project in which it was saved. They will appear under the custom tab on the utility page

  • Once an inspection has been filled out and saved, they cannot be modified to preserve data 
  • Saved templates appear as Objects in the Objects section of an Area 
  • Measurements can be populated in real time from connected devices (and will appear at the end of the measurement list)
  • Tabs can be made to group multiple custom calculator outpits together and save under a single Object (if you were measuring multiple windows in the same room, you may want to use tabs vs different custom calculator outputs for each instance to better help them stay organized)

ROCK App Filling In inspection.png

Custom Calculator Examples

There are several practical examples of custom calculators in use on the job site including:

  • Creating a custom utility or form for your organization
  • Measuring a series of windows and adding in an offset value
  • Logging data in a structured way
  • Providing operators with a numerical output based on a series of inputs
  • Any calculator or spreadsheet operation
  • Recording the results of a series of inspections steps
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