Creating or Modifying an Area

An Area is the lowest level of hierarchy in the ROCK App and is where all Measurements and Objects are located.  

To Create an Area

  1. Navigate to the "Projects" by swiping right on the main screen or pressing the Projects menu icon on the top right corner of the screen   
  2. Navigate to the project where you want the desired area
  3. Press on the project icon, then press the "+" icon to create a new area
    • Creating or Modifying an Area (Create Area).jpeg
  4. Fill out the information for Space creation (All fields outside of name are optional)
    • Image_20240923_134441_838.jpeg
    • Image
    • Name
    • Description
    • Area Color
  5. Select "Save Area" at the bottom of the screen

Area colors are specific to the Area and do not change the Project or Space colors

To Modify an Existing Area

  1. Navigate to the "Projects" by swiping right on the main screen or pressing the Projects menu icon on the top right corner of the screen   
  2. Navigate to the project where the desired area is
  3. Select the Area to be edited
  4. On the Area Screen, press on the header, then select the pencil icon
    • Creating or Modifying an Area (Modifying).jpeg
  5. Make changes to the Area and select "Save Area"
    • Image_20240802_103356_262.jpeg

You can delete an Area by selecting the "Delete Area" bar at the bottom of the Edit Area screen

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  • Editing areas is very non-intuitive for Android users and very hard to find out how to do it. It should be in the the dots "more" menu, then "edit"

  • Thanks for the feedback Andrew, we are always looking to improve our app useability and appreciate the suggestion! 


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